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How does composting help the environment?

Composting offers a number of noteworthy advantages. By lowering landfill garbage and erosion, it can benefit the environment. By weeding out unwanted weeds and warding off pests, it maintains your grass and garden healthy. Even better, it can help you save money and resources!

In this piece, I'll discuss composting's wonderful advantages. justifications for why you should get started immediately.

How does composting help the environment?

Turning food waste and yard trimmings into compost has a bunch of positive returns, both for you as an individual, your community, and the world at large.

Composting Helps To Reduce Landfill Waste

Nearly 300 million tons of rubbish, or 4.9 pounds per person, were generated in the United States in 2018. Food was the second-highest category of trash after paper items, making up around 21% of what we discard and expanding landfills, which are responsible for 34% of methane emissions.

Composting, when done on a wide scale, can reduce emissions. San Francisco, which made composting mandatory for the entire city in 2009, has been successful in keeping more than 2.5 million tons of waste out of landfills annually.

According to one estimate from the Natural Resources Defense Council, San Francisco's composting legislation cut annual emissions by the same amount as 20,000 passenger cars, or the equivalent of 90,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Compost improves soil quality and lowers emissions from landfills. Compost's organic content helps bad soils when applied on top of it in gardens or farms. Additionally, it stores more water and aids in tying soil particles together. Improved soil promotes plant growth, which can aid in the absorption of carbon from the atmosphere. The demand for herbicides and fertilizer, which are both pollutants and frequently produced via damaging mining techniques and have a large carbon footprint, is decreased by stronger, nutrient-rich soil.

The "ick factor" may be the only drawback to composting. Sherman believes there's no need to worry about it.

It's not smelly or disgusting. I also visit my backyard compost bin once a week. Composting takes me three minutes. Simply put, I work very hard to uplift others. I try to emphasize to folks how simple it is.

Composting Improves Soil Drainage

Compost will assist in liquifying clay-rich soil and improving its ability to drain if you have any. Additionally, it will be much simpler to dive in and work with. Plant roots can also encroach more easily on less compacted soil.

In contrast, sandy soils readily allow water to pass through them. In certain circumstances, compost aids in extending the time that soil that is prone to drying out quickly retains water.

Composting enhancing Biodiversity

"Biological diversity," or the variety of life on our planet, is what the term "biodiversity" refers to. Microorganisms, insects, plants, and animals can all fall under this category. These animals all interact in a way that is good for the ecosystem. Some claim that humanity cannot survive without biodiversity.

Your composter's food wastes don't merely decompose on their own. To transform them back into soil, worms, fungi, beneficial insects, worms, and other living things are required.

Having a compost pile in your yard encourages the presence of these advantageous organisms. High biodiversity environments are more resilient to change and less likely to be wiped out by weeds or pests. A "dead garden" devoid of the biodiversity that is present in nature naturally is not what you desire.

Composting Creates Neutral Soil With Nutrients

Composting helps to improve soil quality by adding more organic matter and micronutrients to the soil. Whether you are composting on a local or large scale is irrelevant. With some additional compost, both farms and tiny home gardens will prosper.

Compost can assist in bringing the pH levels of the soil near your home back to a range where plants thrive if it is naturally acidic or basic. So adding some compost is a natural and organic way to balance out your soil if you feel that it is either too acidic or too alkaline.

Composting Improves Air Quality

Some people choose to burn their yard trash as an alternative to composting, especially in more remote locations. The burning of yard trash produces significant volumes of particulate matter (also known as soot), carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

When you burn fertilizers, insect repellents, or weed killers in your yard, the dangerous chemicals in those items are also discharged into the air.

The alternative is that these compounds can actually be broken down by bacteria and fungi during composting.

It is best to avoid smoking and choose composting whenever feasible because doing so might cause asthma and other health issues.

Composting Helps To Clean Up Contaminated Soil

Bacteria and fungi can degrade volatile organic substances like hydrocarbons, insecticides, and more while composting. It binds heavy metal contaminates that plants cannot utilize or absorb. Additionally, compost cleans the air and water of impurities.

Food waste can interact chemically with the metals buried there in landfills to produce poisons. These poisons may then leak and contaminate the groundwater nearby.

Instead, composting your yard's food scraps can help prevent this chemical reaction from happening.

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