The zero-waste movement is currently working to eradicate as much plastic as it can, and slowly the rest of the world is following suit. This covers choices that are disposable, such as packing, sandwich bags, and plastic wrap. Although people are beginning to employ handmade and store-bought alternatives, what if the plastic had never been created at all?
Benefits of living without plastic
Let's start with the advantages of a world without plastic. First of all, oil is used to make plastic. Oil would have been less desirable than it is now if the plastic had never been created. This would have decreased its price and its impact on climate change. Oil would still have been used, but instead of plastic, it might have been used for automobile fuel.
Additionally, a hundred million marine animal fatalities would have been avoided. Yes, fish and other aquatic species can die from other things, but plastic is thought to be the cause of about 100 million of those fatalities. All of those fatalities could have been avoided, and who knows, they might have even spared some species from extinction.
Plastic also causes pollution and animal fatalities on land. Less pollution and fatalities would result from the absence of plastic. Glaciers and rivers would be safer to drink, and forests would once again be green. Without the factories that are currently utilised to make plastic, chemicals would not be released into the rivers and seas or contribute to air pollution.
Since a lot of CO2 is produced during the manufacture, burning, and recycling of plastic, less CO2 would be released into the atmosphere. We wouldn't have the same environmental issues we do now if plastic didn't exist.
The drawbacks of living without plastic
Plastic has many drawbacks, yet it has also significantly improved our quality of life throughout the years. maybe more than we think.
Let's begin with the medical sector. Syringes, gloves, and other medical supplies are kept in plastic containers because plastic is a very sanitary material. Sterilizing products would be far more difficult or expensive without plastic. Non-sterile equipment can sometimes have fatal consequences.
Subcategories including vinyl, polyester, nylon, and other materials were also developed as a result of the invention of plastic. We wouldn't have the clothes we wear today without plastic. Since a lot of the interior components in our cars are made of plastic, they would not have been the same. Without plastic, we wouldn't have glasses, watches, bottles, patio furniture, or camping gear as we know it. They might still have been created, but out of different, more expensive, and less resilient materials.
Animals are saved from being killed by plastic as well. Celluloid, a substitute for ivory, was created along with the development of plastic. This action reduced the appeal of poaching elephants and rhinos, which in turn reduced the number of these animals that perished.
Plastic is utilised to surround water systems or line electrical cables in practically every home. Users have been shielded against electrocution and tainted water thanks to its endurance.
A world without plastic in the present
Imagine the world today without any plastic for a moment. It simply vanished without warning. What would take place?
To start, the majority of clothing, footwear, and accessories would not exist. Those brand-new, stylish pants you purchased? Gone. Most of the makeup selection is gone.
Most of the condiment containers would vanish along with our credit cards. Due to missing components, our automobiles, buses, planes, trains, etc. would malfunction. In many nations, even our money would vanish.
Water would flood the area because the water pipes would be missing. When electricity wires opened up, everyone nearby would be at risk.
It would essentially be anarchy.
Looking at the bright side, the majority of fish and other sea creatures would be able to live freely once more. Clean forests and the shutdown of several CO2 facilities would stop CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.
Plastic is currently essential to our ability to survive.
Then, what is plastic?
No, just because plastic is a part of our existence right now doesn't imply we can't survive without it. People are starting to realise the need of leading plastic-free lives as scientists discover alternatives that are easily accessible on the market.
Without the development of plastic, our world would definitely be very different. Scientists are still looking for new materials that have the benefits of plastic—such as affordability, toughness, and ease of production—without the drawbacks and pollution. There has been a move toward using plant-based polymers, which are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. The use of natural materials like cotton is growing in favour as alternatives to synthetic fabrics like polyester, which contain plastic.
The way people regard plastic is also evolving. People are now aware of the effects their actions, notably, the use of plastic, have on the environment. Previously, the majority of people opposed charging for plastic bags rather than giving them away for free.
Even large firms, who still have a long way to go, are gradually adjusting to a way of life that uses less plastic in their products. Take a look at IKEA; they are working to eliminate all plastic use and promote organic cotton.
Alternatives to plastic
It can be challenging for some of us to start using other materials instead of plastic. Here is a quick guide on how you may reduce your use of plastic.
Buy things at the market or wholesalers. Most markets let you use your own bags, and about 95% of the items are sold without packaging, which uses less plastic.
Purchase reusable goods. Almost everyone uses plastic straws, cutlery, lunch boxes, travel cups, and other items because we're all constantly on the go. A stainless steel lunchbox, hardwood cutlery, a glass or aluminium mug, and a reusable straw are all items that will last longer and use less plastic. And it looks extremely amazing.
Wrap your food in a unique way. Most of us use plastic wrap to store food when we have leftovers. Beeswax wraps, or soy wax if you're vegan, are superior. They help keep your food fresher for longer and are sanitary, reusable, and easy to clean.
Thrift. Most clothing includes some polyester or nylon, which are both composed of plastic. You don't need to quit wearing these clothes if you want to reduce your usage of plastic. They can be given a new life and kept out of a landfill by being purchased used or traded with a buddy. Clothing that has been damaged can be repaired or repurposed into something wonderful.
In conclusion, plastic served a purpose for a very long time, but we have since learned how detrimental it is to the environment. Now that technology has advanced significantly, we are creating strategies to once more eliminate plastic from our daily lives. You can also participate. Together, let's stop using plastic and restore the earth to its previous splendour.