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What Makes Flexible Packaging Sustainable?

Eco-friendly initiatives like the use of recyclable material, and extensive recycling programs used to be quite voguish a decade earlier in the business world. Going green was observed as an initiative only top-tier companies would undertake. However, in the present times, it has become quite standard practice. Opting for sustainable practices is not an option anymore but a mandatory thing. Various organizations are switching to eco-friendly alternatives wherever possible and one of the prominent areas in which almost all the brands can go green is Packaging. Choosing eco-friendly packaging materials and processes will eventually help in minimizing waste leading to lower levels of pollution.

Therefore, a lot of brands have been dipping their toes in the pond of sustainable packaging. It refers to the sourcing and development of packaging solutions that have a minimal environmental impact and carbon footprint. Several forms of packaging appear to be sustainable in various amounts. Flexible packaging emerges as the most prominent as well as the most popular one.

Flexible Packaging = Sustainable Packaging

Flexible packaging looks to be the most ideal type of packaging that is both appealing and sustainable so far. Flexible packaging has become increasingly well-liked because of a number of advantages that make it the product of choice for both consumers and businesses.

Because they are simple to open, transport, and store, flexible pouches and bags are preferred by consumers over conventional containers. However, flexible packaging alternatives are preferred by brands since they are significantly safer for transferring products in. The flexible layers that increase the package's adaptability can be bent, twisted, and dropped without losing their protective shape.

That's not all, though. Everyone prefers flexible packaging since it is more environmentally friendly. Modern flexible packaging is encased in a number of environmentally friendly attributes, from the materials used to the carefully thought-out designs that increase shelf life. It's a balanced method that combines sustainability and creativity.

The following factors contribute to flexible packaging being sustainable.

Low Waste Production

Comparing flexible packaging (such as pouches) to conventional rigid packaging, 60% less plastic is used. As a result, there will be less waste at the end of the package's shelf life and it will also enable the brand to make some cost savings. It also results in cheaper production costs. As a result, flexible packaging may be the most environmentally friendly type of packaging.


An important element that receives little attention is transport efficiency. A vehicle is required to carry more flexible packaging material than rigid packaging material when delivering both types of commodities. Because flexible packing materials are typically supplied flat or on a roll, similar to paper towels, this is the reason. As a result, a truck may transport many packages during a single journey. The total number of cars required is finally decreased. Flexible packaging becomes a transport-effective and eco-friendly type of packaging by lowering CO2 emissions and fuel usage.

The ratio of Product to Package

The weight of a package that is made up of packaging material vs product weight is used to calculate the product-to-package ratio. When compared to other packaging options, flexible packaging typically has a higher product-to-package ratio. As a result, a lot of products may be packaged, distributed, and stored with less packaging, which is beneficial for the environment.

The efficiency of Materials and Resources

Flexible packaging now uses resources and materials that utilise less water, fossil fuels, and greenhouse gases than other types of packaging due to the current demand for eco-friendly packaging materials, recycling programmes, and effective technologies.

Extended Shelf-life

It's interesting how flexible packaging's capacity to extend shelf life benefits the cause of sustainability. Increased shelf life reduces the number of perishables that end up in the garbage, making a product or package more environmentally friendly.

Go Green -> Choose Sustainable Packaging

n the modern era, it is crucial to incorporate some green into your brand's identity, both to fulfil your social obligation and to draw in clients who only buy eco-friendly products.

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