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What type of packaging would be best for my product? (PT1)

Packaging keeps everything in its place. The containers we place things in the matter, whether it's a packet for your M&Ms, a hamper for your dirty laundry, or a bottle holding your beer's delightful liquid components together.

What exactly is product packaging then? Designing a product's packaging includes making the product's exterior. This covers decisions made on the type of material and form, as well as the graphics, colours, and typefaces used on the packaging, boxes, cans, bottles, and other types of containers.

Yes, it's a useful tool. (I mean, how else are you supposed to successfully drink beer?) However, it goes beyond that. Packaging conveys a message, just like good design does. Additionally, it is a sensory experience that literally engages us through sight, touch, and sound (and, depending on the product or package, perhaps smell and flavour as well). All of these data assist us in understanding the contained product's purpose, recommended use, target audience, and, perhaps most crucially, whether or not we should purchase it.

We examine how to make your packaging tell the desired message in The Ultimate Guide to Product Packaging Design.

Before you start your packaging design

3 crucial questions

There are three questions you must have the answer to before you start designing the packaging for a product:

What is the product?

Who’s buying the product?

How are people buying the product?

Let’s look at these a little bit more in-depth:

1. What is the product?

Not a trick question; this should be an easy one. What are you selling? How big is it? What materials is it made of? Is it delicate?

This query will assist you in determining whether there are any logistical requirements that must be met for your product packaging. For instance, a sensitive product will need packaging that is more secure. On the other hand, something that is enormous or has unusual proportions can need a custom packing solution rather than a pre-made box.

2. Who is purchasing the item?

Are men, women, or both supposed to use the product? Is it intended for kids or adults? Is it intended for those who care about the environment? To those who are wealthy or on a tight budget?

Before beginning the design process, it's critical to identify the ideal consumer for a product so that you can create packaging that would appeal to them. Larger text may be required for products aimed at older individuals. On the other hand, products aimed at wealthy customers should take luxurious materials into consideration.

3. How are consumers purchasing the item?

Are they buying it at a grocery store? a little store? Online?

If the product is going to be sold online and shipped, you'll need to think about packaging differently than if it needs to stand out from the competition on a big-box shop shelf. Products that will be sold online should generally not have a lot of additional space because this could make the product rattle or the package bend. Additionally, those that will be displayed on a boutique shelf must attract a customer amidst other attractive things in cutesy packaging.

Got them all? Good. All of the other (many) choices you'll have to make during the packaging design process will be guided by these.

Still thinking about these issues? Most likely, you aren't yet prepared to begin the packaging design process. That's alright! Taking your time and doing things well is preferable to starting too quickly.

Information you must gather

brand specifications

A product may stand alone in some situations or reflect an existing brand in others. Make sure you have the following data before you begin if your packaging must represent a specific brand aesthetic:

Colours Include them if you already have the CMYK or Pantone Matching Values (PMS) values since they are designed primarily for printing. If not, a hex code is acceptable as well.

Make sure you have the appropriate typefaces and any usage guidelines (like kerning or weight).

Make sure you have a vector file on hand if you need to include a logo on the packaging.

Information that must be included on the box

It will be quite specific to your particular product what this is, but you'll want to make sure you have it all figured out before you begin to design. Be aware that certain information may need to be on your packaging for legal reasons depending on your sector.

You may require:

copy in writing

This might range from the title of your goods to a description to words that tempt customers to buy.


Do you want pictures on your packaging? Before beginning the design process, you must have those prepared.

necessary markings

You can be required to include a barcode, nutrition facts, affiliation marks, etc. depending on your product or sector.

Identify the temporary material you require.

There is additional information that needs to be included on various batches of some products, such as meals or cosmetics (expiration dates or batch numbers). Given that it will change frequently, you definitely don't want to print this information directly on your package, but you should make sure to leave room for a sticker or stamp that can be applied at a later time.

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